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Friday, August 5, 2011

Art Studios Entertainment Media

Over the course of any artists career, you should consider setting up a website and creating content about drawing demonic designs and other dark nasty creatures, or whatever you draw, as there is a need for this type of creative medium out there, Blogging is one easy answer, as you don't, to start off with anyway need any website account or domain name, first you need to become inspired and start building up something of interest to people in your genre. A blog is also a good way of inspiring you further too, as you must have knowledge about drawing what you draw, so that is easily relatable on your blog, examples of your work can also be commented on by other people who visit your blog, but this is later down the road, you need to be able or be more comfortable churning out lots of drawings and images without breaking a sweat, much like a writer you have to write a lot to create a reputation, well this is the same for drawing.

An artist must always have the mindset of creating new things every day or every other day, that is the way of the artist, so what you need to be thinking about is a plan of action that will help you build on your creative energy, so that it is always at it's maximum efficiency. There are three remarkable ways that others have been using to inspire themselves further and these ways are really the best in terms of, well anyone can do them and they usually do them everyday anyway. Number one: Viewing other artists work. Seeing what other artists are up to is perhaps one of the greatest ways of getting inspired and I do this quite often, I either search online to find relevant sites that cater for the art that I need to get inspired by or I visit an art gallery, or go sight seeing around town, sometimes just the break away from your art studio is the ticket to energize your work. To study other artists work is also common in places, so look out for recognizing certain aspects of a drawing or painting, see how they do it and then try it yourself. Number Two: Reading, watching, films, TV, books and other media

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