Faux painting techniques are strategies to decorate your wall that imitates materials and is produced utilizing non-traditional painting devices. In the first instance, faux painting strategies can mimic the particular complexities of a marble surface or wooden beam. Equipment regularly utilized to create these effects comprise of sponge, tissue papers and rags. Faux painting is generally created on a standard painted background while either still damp or following a period of drying, depending on the method required.

Like with many words and phrases in the English language, "faux" comes from a French word which means bogus or fake. In Interior Design, the word can be used to illustrate a thing that is an imitation of another thing, in most cases some other material. The final results of the imitations can result in the truly awful to the wonderfully effective, where the latter is usually an understated recreation of marble or maybe stone that's near impossible to ascertain from the real deal. The way you go about utilizing these painting methods in your own home design arena will certainly principally be based upon knowledge, competency and application.

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