Abstract painting artist aims to reach exciting compositions by managing the colors, lines and platform without the need to utilize the appearances of the objects, nature and living things. With this tough art it is possible to create mind-blowing expressions with the usage of color spots, lines, shapes and with the possibilities of different usages of colors. Just like the ability of the music compositor's to express his or her feelings in the form of a song by using the independent notes.

A Walk Into Abstracts eBook by Sue St. John teaches the techniques of 58 top artists. This eBook is prepared for people who are curious about this art and want to learn how to paint abstract pictures by answering the questions like how they did create this painting, get the idea, and achieve that effect in their pictures in a step by step manner.
It is possible to learn from other artists how to do abstract painting. You can try their methods and see what it feels like to make a painting that way. So that you can use these abstract painting techniques to develop your own unique style.