Taman sari palace is situated on the western region is still within the scope of the fortress palace. Park names that define a sari is a very beautiful garden and stunning. Castle is a castle in his time the water that serves as a place of recreation, rest house and the fortress of defense for the Sultan's wife and entire family of the Sultan of Yogyakarta Palace. this is evident from the presence of water complete with a boat, the underground halls, swimming baths and a change of clothes, swimming pool exercises, space for dancing, kitchen and so forth.
This historic building was founded in the mid XVIII century AD and was built in the reign of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. The place is also known as the Water Castle is currently still a lot left his greatness. It is said that in symbolic garden sari can be interpreted as the interface that are not directly connected and unseen between the sultan and his subjects. In the vicinity of Castle Garden Village is also there as the center of batik batik painting in particular.