Structure soldiers
Consisting of two people banner (Panji command was in front and behind Andhahan Bannerman), two sergeants person / Wirowredha (Sarageni sergeant and Sergeant Sarahastra), two men carrying the banner, soldiers carrying rifles and spears armor.
Sarageni soldiers are soldiers carrying guns, while soldiers Sarahastra are soldiers who were carrying spears.
Panji-Panji :
1. Name Dwaja (klebet): Sugar-klapa
Rectangular with a white base color, in every corner decorated with red centhung like chili tip (nail Bima). In the middle was a red rectangle in the middle is octagonal white. Sugar-klapa derived from the word 'sugar' and 'klapa'. The definition is here made of Java sugar sap of the red palm tree, while coconut is white. Philosophically meaningful brave troops who defend the sanctity / the truth.
2. Spear Name (Waos): Kanjeng Kyai Kyai Slamet and Kanjeng Santrio, dhapur Cengkreng.
2 Drums (drums) is held by M. (Mas) and M Brajatengara Brajapenambur, and two flutes are held by M. Brajapermuni and M Braja Pengrawit
Gending accompaniment is twofold: first RETA Dhedali to accompany lampah / step macak (style) and Dhayungan to accompany the fast step (mars).
source: http://pariwisata.jogja.go.id